What exercise burns the most calories in 30 minutes?


Which Workouts Consume the Most Calories

Which Workouts Consume the Most Calories?

Incorporating planks, squats, and lunges into your workout routine can aid in muscle growth and increase the number of calories burned.

When you exercise, your body burns a higher amount of calories compared to a typical day. Activities such as biking, jogging, or running, which require high intensity, can burn more calories than other forms of exercise. Moreover, compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups, such as planks, help burn calories and improve muscle strength. The more effort you put into your workout, the more energy your body will require, leading to more calories burned. Strength training can also increase muscle mass, which has a higher calorie-burning capacity than fat.

Discover 14 exercises that can help you burn calories, from cardio exercises to compound movements. These exercises can be quickly done at home, at your own pace, without expensive equipment or fancy gym machines.

Combination Workouts

Compound exercises involve using multiple muscle groups simultaneously, burning many calories. This is because they require more effort to complete compared to other exercises. Each compound exercise combines a strength exercise, such as planks, with movement to increase heart rate and calorie expenditure. Consider trying the following movements for those seeking exercises that target multiple muscle groups and burn many calories.

1. Wooden Boards

To assume a plank pose:

  1. Begin by lying on your belly on the floor.
  2. Position your hands directly under your shoulders, contract your abdominal muscles, and raise your upper body.
  3. Remember to maintain a straight spine while pulling your toes towards your shins.

There are several options for plank exercises that you can attempt: 5 in total.

To perform this exercise, it is recommended to use a hardwood or linoleum floor and place a small towel under each foot. Begin in a plank position and drag your body from one side of the room to the other using your arms. Each trip across the room, from one wall to another, counts as one round.

Start in a plank position for hip raises and push your hips up to create an inverted V shape. Keep your core engaged, then lower back down to the starting position.

In a plank position, bring your left knee towards your right elbow and return to the starting point. Repeat this movement on the opposite side and continue alternating.

To target your oblique muscles, try rainbow planks. In a plank position, move your hips from side to side, trying to get as close to the ground as possible.

For side-plank lifts, position your right forearm and foot on the ground and stack your left foot on top of your right foot. Extend your left arm in the air for balance. Lower your right hip towards the ground, then lift back up. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and switch to the left side.

To perform the up-down exercise, start in a plank position with arms straight (similar to a push-up position). Lower onto your right forearm, then your left forearm. Return to your right hand, then your left hand.

2. Pressing Movement from Squat Position

A gym-goer dressed in a grey sports bra and purple leggings is seen performing a squat with a weight in each hand. The image captures the individual amid their workout routine.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a weight in each hand. Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle, and face your palms inward.

To perform a squat to press, begin in the initial position and follow these instructions:

    1. Gradually descend into a squatting stance, ensuring that your weight is evenly distributed over your heels and your chest is upright. Maintain this position for two seconds.
    2. Engage your leg muscles to rise to a standing position, simultaneously lifting your weights towards the ceiling.
    3. Continue this sequence for your desired number of repetitions.

3. Rowing in Defiance

A male in a plank position, wearing an athletic green T-shirt and grey shorts, is holding up a weight.

To begin this exercise, assume a plank position. Have two weights, one in each hand, to provide support.

To perform a renegade row, follow these steps:

    1. Raise your arm towards your body, position your forearm parallel to your spine, and bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle.
    2. Maintain this position for two counts while tightening your abdominal muscles and keeping your hips level.
    3. Return to your starting position and repeat the same movement with your other arm.

4. Using Stairs with Weights

Climbing stairs can enhance your stamina and impact your lipid profile, including cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Studies reveal that ascending stairs can burn up to eight to ten times more calories than resting. Consider using stairs instead of an elevator or escalator to incorporate this calorie-burning workout into your daily routine.

One way to incorporate stair climbing into your workout routine is to use additional weights to increase muscle strength. Hold a light weight in each hand and climb at least five flights of stairs to do this. These stairs can be found in your home, at the gym using a stair stepper, or at a location with multiple flights of stairs. Take a brief break and repeat the process for the desired repetitions.

5. Lunges with a Jump

Stand with your feet closed and your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle to perform jump lunges. Follow these instructions:

  1. Take a step forward, keeping your chest lifted. Ensure that your front foot bears your weight on the heel.
  2. Propel yourself upwards while raising your hands towards the ceiling with your elbows bent.
  3. Return to a lunge position with your other foot in front. Repeat on the other foot, switching sides for each repetition.

The Calorie-Burning Effects of Strength Training

As you get older, strength training can increase your muscle mass and prevent loss of bone density. This exercise may also aid in calorie burning because muscle burns more calories than fat. Additionally, individuals with higher muscle mass may have a slightly higher resting calorie burn than those with less muscle.

The idea that increasing muscle mass leads to increased metabolism is often misunderstood. While moderate strength training does have a negligible impact on the number of calories burned from muscle, incorporating it into your cardio routine can aid in calorie burning.

Which Type of Cardio Exercise Burns the Most Calories?

High-intensity cardio is known to burn more calories compared to light-to-moderate-intensity cardio. To determine the intensity of your workout, you can use the talk test. It is considered moderate-intensity exercise if you can maintain a conversation while keeping your heart rate elevated. However, it is regarded as a high-intensity exercise if you can speak up to a few words at a time.

The following is an estimate of the number of calories that a person weighing an average of 150 pounds might burn in 30 minutes while doing various types of cardio exercises:

Running: 116

Swimming: 171

Cycling: 1819

Different Types of Physical Activity and Corresponding Calories Burned in 30 Minutes

    • I biked 10 miles per hour or faster, which burns 287 calories.
    • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can help burn 353 calories in 30 minutes.
    • Jump roping is an effective way to burn 300 calories in half an hour.
    • Doing a kettlebell circuit with light weights can help burn 107 calories.
    • Rowing at a moderate intensity can burn anywhere from 102 to 205 calories in 30 minutes.
    • Running at a pace of 5 miles per hour burns 287 calories.
    • Using a Skierg machine at moderate intensity can help burn between 102 and 205 calories.
    • Sprinting at 10 miles per hour can result in burning 640 calories.
    • Slow freestyle laps in swimming can help burn 248 calories in half an hour.

Factors Affecting Calorie Expenditure

The amount of calories you expel is influenced by various factors, including:

    • Age: Your muscle mass decreases as you age, resulting in a slower calorie burn rate during physical activity.
    • Body weight: Individuals with a higher body weight require more energy for physical activity, which increases the number of calories burned during exercise.
    • Duration, intensity, and type of exercise: The number of calories burned during exercise depends on factors such as duration, intensity, and type of activity. For instance, walking slowly results in a lower calorie burn compared to walking at a moderate pace.
    • Muscle mass: Muscles have a higher metabolism than fat, leading to a higher calorie burn rate, even at rest or during exercise. Therefore, those with more muscle mass tend to burn more calories than those without.
    • Sex: Some studies suggest that males have a higher calorie burn rate than females when performing the same exercises. This may be because males typically have more muscle mass and a higher body weight than females.

Ways to Increase Calorie Burn

To lose weight, one must burn more calories than one consumes. Although it may be challenging to reach one’s desired weight, incorporating physical exercise into one’s daily routine can help increase calorie burn.

There are several methods to incorporate additional work into your daily routines and workouts to increase the number of calories you burn, including:

    • Incorporate resistance training: Increasing muscle mass can lead to a higher resting metabolic rate and increased calorie burn during physical activity.
    • Opt for stairs over elevators: Taking the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator can result in a more significant calorie burn.
    • Add energetic music: Upbeat music in your workout routine can help boost your energy and intensity.
    • Make exercise a social event: Make physical activity more enjoyable by participating in bowling, swimming, or walking with friends and family.
    • Increase pace: Walking, jogging, or running faster can help elevate your intensity and burn more calories.
    • Reduce sedentary behavior: Incorporate movement into your daily routine by pacing on the phone, taking walk breaks while working, or even standing.
    • Step more throughout the day: Park further away from your destination to increase your step count.
    • Utilize a tracking device: A smartwatch or wearable device can help monitor your steps. Some devices even allow you to compete with friends and family to see who can take more steps.

A Brief Overview

Exercises involving multiple muscle groups, such as planks, renegade rows, and jump squats, increase heart rate and improve muscle strength. As they demand significant energy, they are beneficial for burning calories.

Pay attention to your body while exercising and consult a healthcare professional if you experience any discomfort or pain. Suppose you have any chronic conditions or disabilities or are starting intense training after a period of inactivity. In that case, speaking with a healthcare provider to determine suitable exercises and duration may be beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the calorie burn rate for planking?

Performing low-intensity bodyweight exercises, such as planks, can burn approximately three to four calories per minute. However, incorporating variations to the plank exercise can increase the calorie burn. For instance, adding movement to the hips while doing rainbow planks will require more effort and ultimately lead to burning more calories than holding a traditional plank.

Which physical activity results in the highest calorie burn in a 30-minute session?

Due to the increased effort involved, high-intensity physical activity typically results in a higher calorie burn than light-to-moderate-intensity exercise. For instance, cycling at a speed higher than 10 miles per hour ru, running faster than 5 miles per hour, or jogging at a pace faster than 5 miles per hour. can burn the most calories in a 30-minute session, estimated to be around 287 calories for an individual weighing 150 pounds. Alternatively, sprinting at over 10 miles per hour can burn 640 calories in 30 minutes, but it may only be sustainable for a short period.

Which physical activity is most effective for burning fat?

Regular physical activity can help promote fat loss, with high-intensity workouts being more effective than low-to-moderate-intensity exercises in burning fat. According to a study published in 2019, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been identified as one of the most beneficial forms of exercise for weight loss, showing a 28.5% increase in fat loss compared to moderate-intensity workouts.

A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session alternates between intense physical activity and rest periods. For instance, one could briskly climb stairs for four minutes, followed by a 3-minute active recovery, and then repeat this cycle three times.

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